IT Security

As soon as human beings began to communicate and exchange information it became necessary to find methods of securing the transfer of information. In an immensely complicated open information world, the challenges of securing information are immense. Threats to information security are now vast. It is now a substantial element of enterprise risk management.

The techniques available to Black Hat hackers can be implemented from any computer with a connection to the internet anywhere in the world. As we have seen with events like the Sony Hack, the Snowden affair, Wikileaks and range of other breaches of information security, the effects of breaches of information security can be devastating.

There are a number of techniques of enhancing the security Information systems. Staff Training, Network and Terminal Hardening, Password security, Encryption, Biometric Identification Systems and Penetration Testing as well as well as detection are all techniques that need to be employed to bolster the chances of improving the IT security of organisations whether they are large or small, government, business or not for profit organisations.

We offer IT security consulting services.