
One of the few areas booming the moment in the economy is the ecommerce sector. Since the. beginning of the pandemic Amazon has nearly doubled its stock price. It is regularly running short of stock on many items because people are turning more than ever towards online shopping as a way of ensuring a contactless interaction when buying everything from groceries to motor vehicles and everything in between. The delivery services which support these ecommerce businesses are also growing at the moment and they continue to improve both in terms of cost, efficiency and service levels.

Ecommerce is becoming a necessity for most small businesses to remain competitive in a world where tech giants like Amazon continue to become ever more dominant. Smaller, independent businesses can offer more localised and personalised services to their customers than is possible with monolithic global organisations. Leveraging the technology of ecommerce allows small businesses to achieve the benefits to their customers of economies of scale, product choice and deliver speed whilst maintaining the personal touch and sense of community that small business brings.

We build for clients on multiple ecommerce platforms such as shopify and woocommerce as well as some of the less well known platforms like squarespace and weebly. We can setup online marketing, inventory, payment systems, connections to delivery networks and have even built dropshipping sites for clients which automatically order products from overseas buyers, calculate the retail margin involved and arrange for delivery to the customer.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you would like to enquire about our services.